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  • +90 546 478 07 06
  • +90 546 578 07 06
  • Göztepe Mah. Tütüncü Mehmet Efendi Cad. Yaman Apt. No: 36/2 Kadıköy/İstanbul (Bağdat Caddesi - Göztepe Işıklar 200m)

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Mood Disorders Scale

Our Expertise - Scales

Mood Disorders Scale

The Mood Disorders Scale is a psychometric measure used to assess individuals' emotional states. This scale is designed to understand and evaluate emotional well-being by measuring various factors related to a person's mood. Mood disorders may include conditions such as depression, anxiety, and stress, and this scale can assist in identifying such emotional states.

The scale typically consists of a series of questions or statements, asking participants to self-assess their emotional states. Responses are then analyzed to measure and understand changes in mood. This scale can be utilized to monitor potential changes in individuals' emotional states for the purpose of treatment, intervention, or support.

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