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  • +90 546 478 07 06
  • +90 546 578 07 06
  • Göztepe Mah. Tütüncü Mehmet Efendi Cad. Yaman Apt. No: 36/2 Kadıköy/İstanbul (Bağdat Caddesi - Göztepe Işıklar 200m)

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Our Expertise


MOXO Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Test

MOXO is a test designed to assess Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a neurological disorder characterized by issues related to attention deficit, hyperactivity, and impulse control. The MOXO Test aims to evaluate how individuals cope with these symptoms and how they function in their daily lives. The test measures the individual's performance in factors such as attention,...

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DRUG TEST - Urine Substance Screening Kit

"DRUG TEST - Urine Substance Screening Kit" is a screening tool that allows individuals to analyze urine samples to detect various substances. This test is commonly used for purposes such as determining substance use, monitoring rehabilitation programs, preventive measures in the hiring process, detecting prohibited substances in correctional facilities, or sports organizations. Substance tests ca...

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CAS Cognitive Assessment and Proficiency Test

CAS, the Cognitive Assessment System, is a test system designed to assess and measure individuals' cognitive abilities. Rooted in Jean Piaget's cognitive development theory, this test is generally suitable for various age groups. CAS evaluates individuals' mental skills from various perspectives as a system aiming to understand, assess, and measure cognitive processes. By measuring a range of c...

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WISC 4 Intelligence Test

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fourth Edition (WISC-IV), is an intelligence test designed to assess the cognitive abilities of children. Targeting individuals aged 6 to 16, WISC-IV measures performances across a broad cognitive spectrum. The test aims to understand cognitive processes, evaluate problem-solving abilities, and identify learning difficulties. WISC-IV consists of fou...

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AGTE Ankara Gelişim Envanteri (Ankara Developmental Screening Inventory)

AGTE (Ankara Developmental Screening Inventory) is an inventory used to assess the developmental levels of children. This test aims to measure children's skills in cognitive, language, motor, social, and emotional development areas. Developed by Ankara University, AGTE is commonly used to monitor, assess, and understand the development of children in preschool and primary school periods. By eva...

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DENVER Developmental Screening Test

DENVER Developmental Screening Test is a widely used tool to assess the overall developmental levels of children. This inventory aims to determine developmental milestones by observing various skills in different areas such as cognitive, motor, social, and language development. DENVER compares the expected behaviors and abilities for children's respective ages and helps to identify potential devel...

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NPT Neuropsychological Test

NPT (Neuropsychological Test) is a type of test used to assess individuals' cognitive functions, diagnose brain damage, neurological disorders, or cognitive challenges. Neuropsychology is a branch of science that examines mental processes, behaviors, and their relationships with the brain, and NPT is one of the fundamental tools in this field. The administration of NPT is typically done by a sp...

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The RORSCHACH Test is a psychological assessment tool used to understand individuals' mental and emotional states. Developed by Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach, the test consists of ten abstract inkblot cards. Individuals are asked to describe what they see or feel after examining the inkblots on each card. These responses are then evaluated to provide insights into the individual's perceptio...

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LD Learning Difficulty Test

The LD Learning Difficulty Test is an assessment tool used to determine whether individuals experience learning difficulties. It is particularly employed to identify individuals, especially children and young people, who face learning challenges and to understand the reasons behind these difficulties. The test evaluates an individual's language, mathematics, reading, writing, and other cognitive s...

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CAT Children's Apperception Test

The CAT (Children's Apperception Test) is a psychological test used to assess the perceptual skills of children. This test aims to measure the visual perception, auditory perception, motor coordination, and spatial relations skills of children aged 2 to 10. CAT provides valuable information about cognitive development by evaluating how children perform various perceptual tasks. The testing proc...

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CNS Vital Signs Test

CNS Vital Signs is a neuropsychological test battery used to assess cognitive and emotional health. This test aims to provide comprehensive information about an individual's mental health by measuring various areas such as cognitive functionality, attention, memory, problem-solving abilities, language skills, motor speed, and reaction times. The CNS Vital Signs Test is a computer-based assessme...

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Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

TAT is a psychological test used to understand individuals' cognitive and emotional worlds. Typically used in clinical and research contexts, this test is designed to understand individuals' inner worlds and thought processes. TAT presents individuals with a series of ambiguous pictures and asks them to create stories related to these pictures. The analysis of these stories aims to provide informa...

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